A Non-Surgical Alternative to Liposuction
If you ever wanted liposuction, you now have a non-surgical alternative. Spot fat reduction orMesotherapy is an effective means of getting rid of that cellulite with minimal cost.
What is Mesotherapy?
The Medical Term For Cellulite is Dermatomyoliposclerosis (DMLS) Mesotherapy, pioneered in the 1950s by French physician Dr. Michel Pistor, is the painless injection of vitamins, minerals, medications, and amino acids placed just under the surface of the skin. Mesotherapy has a variety of applications including weight loss, cellulite reduction, face and neck rejuvenation, and hair regrowth. Therefore, the injected solution is individually prepared depending on its purpose.
Unlike other medical treatments, mesotherapy is administered directly to the desired area. This limits side-effects, reduces the possibility of drug interactions, and allows for a substantial reduction in the amount of medicine utilized for each procedure.
What is Cellulite?
Cellulite is a skin condition affecting over 90% of most post-pubescent women. Even those with aslim figure, often complain about cellulites “lumpy” dimpled appearance. Cellulite commonly appears on the hips, buttocks and legs, but is not caused by being overweight, as many believe.
Cellulite appears in the subcutaneous level of skin tissue where Fat cells are arranged in chambers surrounded by connective tissue called septae. As water is retained, fat cells held within the perimeters of this area expand and stretch the connective tissue. Eventually this connective tissue contracts and hardens (sclerosis) holding the skin at a non-flexible length, while the surrounding tissue continues to expand with weight, or water gain. This results in areas of the skin being held down while other sections bulge outward, resulting in the lumpy, ‘cottage-cheese’ appearance.
In short, it’s not your fault.